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CURVED BEEF CASINGS - Caliber 43/46 Quality IA = 1st Choice Extra - Bundles from 18 to 20m  No AB or 15 meters as on most other sites but the real 1st choice Top quality! A little more expensive but well degreased, without holes, of the highest quality to make yourself Garlic Sausage, Cervela ...Read more
Beef casing 43/46 Quality IA - 18m in punnet DB 43/46BQ
En stock Expédition : 2 à 5 jours
A partir de17,94 € each

Beef casing 43/46 Quality IA - 18m in punnet
Référence ConditionnementcolisageMétrage Stock PU HT Qté
Référence CEB55DB43/46BQ-N1 Conditionnement Barquette x 1 colisage à l'unité Métrage 18 mètres (pour fabriquer 18 à 20 kgs de saucisse environ par paquet)* Stock 19.46 €
1 metre = 1.08 €
Référence CEB55DB43/46BQ-N3 Conditionnement à partir de 3 paquets, pièces, masses colisage à l'unité Métrage 18 mètres (pour fabriquer 18 à 20 kgs de saucisse environ par paquet)* Stock 17.94 €
1 metre = 1.00 €
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ROUND BEEF CASINGS - Caliber 43/46 Quality IA = 1st Quality Extra 

Bundles of 18 to 20m 

Not AB or 15 meters as on most other sites but the real 1st choice Top quality!

A little more expensive but well degreased, without holes, of the highest quality to make yourself Garlic Sausage, Cervelas, Horse Sausage, Chorizo and many other Sausages

Available in a punnet of 18m 

For larger and cheaper quantities see the casings in  bucket → CLICK HERE

